Literature Search

The Literature Search module is the next-generation AI-enabled biomedical search engine, leveraging machine learning algorithms, natural language processing, and generative AI, to dramatically increase search efficiency and precision.

The proprietary and ever-expanding Literature Search ontology supports complex queries and ensures comprehensive and relevant search results.

Topic Search


  • Research literature
  • Clinical trials, WHO clinical trials
  • Conferences
    Top-tier conferences (meeting abstracts)
Global Patents
    • NIH Grants
  • Drug labels
    FDA DailyMed
  • 500 curated RSS feeds
    Spanning social, news, and official sources
  • Access to open full-text articles
  • Third-party data uploads 


Proprietary and ever-expanding ontology supports complex queries and ensures relevant results 



Complimentary Search Optimization service to help users craft the optimal query 


Machine Learning

Machine learning filters to identify publication type, e.g., Real-world Evidence 


“PubMed takes forever to find connections, or you NEVER find CONNECTIONS. DocSearch lightens cognitive load by finding connections faster or connections you would have never found, focus(ing) your attention on what matters.”

Senior Digital Executive, Leading Biotech Company

“Easy to use, powerful search, fun.”

Librarian, Top-tier Pharma Company

“The customizability of the search function and the user interface with smartly sectioned results screens is top notch. The option to have a Literature Search expert optimize queries is next level! Thank you!”

RWE Leader, Top-tier Pharma Company

“Lots of options to hone your search, lots of resources to pull from, great customer service.”

Senior Medical Publications Manager, Mid-tier Pharma Company

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