Label Intelligence

Label Intelligence, formerly known as DocLabel, is the industry-leading solution for prior precedent research, competitive comparisons, and proactive tracking, generating a 5:1 return-on-investment.

Stay focused on important strategic work and rapidly, confidently answer questions from internal and external stakeholders.

Label Home Screen Preview
Label Results Screen Preview

Approved Labels from

  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • Health Canada
  • European Medicines Agency
  • Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) of the UK
  • Ministry of Solidarity and Health of France
  • Swissmedic of Switzerland
  • Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia
  • Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) of Japan




Create side-by-side tables for competitive labels and highlight changes between label versions 

Automated Tracking

Stay on top of competition with automated monitoring 

Safety Surveillance

Leverage AI-powered adverse event comparisons 


“saves me hours and hours of time”

Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs, Mid-market Pharmaceutical Company

“…crucial in comparison of competitor labeling”

Associate Director, Regulatory Labeling, Mid-market Pharmaceutical Company

“I defined a search, and within seconds, found an example that had not been identified by a colleague who searched for a couple days.”

Associate Director, Regulatory Affairs, Top-tier Pharmaceutical Company

“What took more than a couple of hours to complete now took less than 30 minutes.”

Director, Regulatory Affairs, Top-tier Pharmaceutical Company

"Very useful when comparing safety profiles of competitive or companion drugs."

Senior Safety Scientist, Mid-market Biotechnology Company

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